Interconnection Policy
The purpose of the Oklahoma Community Anchor Network (OCAN) interconnection policy is to ensure adherence to the principles contained in the FCC’s internet policy statement (FCC 05-151).
OCAN provides interconnection points in each of its regional points of presence. Last-mile providers (including incumbent local exchange carriers, multiple system operators, competitive local exchange carriers, energy cooperatives, and independent telecom companies) may interconnect with OCAN’s network at reasonable rates and terms for the purpose of exchanging traffic.
These interconnection points also allow commercial wholesale participants to serve last-mile providers with wholesale access, at reasonable rates and terms, to network components and services such as wavelengths and fibers.
OCAN serves the needs of community anchor institutions (CAIs – educational organizations, health care, libraries, government agencies, public safety, other agencies), while wholesale commercial providers serve commercial last-mile providers and their customers.
Not all OCAN services are available at all interconnection locations.
In order to provide more direct interconnection between residential users and CAIs, OCAN encourages settlement-free peering with all willing internet service providers within Oklahoma.