About This Site

Site Information

This site is hosted within OneNet’s managed web services.

Information on OneNet’s Websites

All content on OneNet websites is copyrighted. All information provided is believed to be accurate, current and reliable. However, neither OneNet nor the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) warrants that the information is complete or accurate. OneNet and OSRHE cannot be held liable by any person for loss caused by errors or omissions in the information on OneNet websites.

Linking to OneNet.net

Organizations or individuals who would like to link to OneNet web pages must receive written permission from OneNet. Requests can be made by emailing communications@onenet.net or calling 405.225.9251.

Links to Other Websites

OneNet has provided links to many related websites and hope that they are helpful. However, OneNet cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or content of those pages or guarantee full access to those pages.


This site has been designed to meet Section 508 and Oklahoma state accessibility standards for persons with disabilities and to meet W3C recommendations for forward compatibility. OneNet follows the policies of OSRHE.

Legal, Terms of Use and Third-Party Product Disclaimers

As a division of OSRHE, OneNet adheres to all policies of OSRHE.